8 New Curricula Features Training Admins Will Love

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Many new features have been added this quarter to AvePoint EduTech’s Curricula, a SaaS Learning Management System, and most are driven by the evolving needs of our corporate learning clients who have leveraged Curricula to digitise the way professional learning is facilitated and delivered. Here are eight new features that should help organizations achieve objectives and make learning more intuitive.

1. Curricula Now Supports Hosting from Australian Data Centres

To address a growing need for edutech solutions in the Australian market, Curricula & Examena now support hosting from a new data center – Australia East (New South Wales). With our SaaS solutions now deployed to this data center, tenant owners can now select this data center to run the platform, even when signing up for our free trial license.

2. Supporting Staff and Administrators as Learners

In many organisations, the learning system administrator is typically staff and would have their own learning and upskilling needs to be addressed. Service administrators of Curricula for Corporate Learning can now be assigned as both staff and learner roles in the same account. They can switch their roles between staff and learner, where they can not only serve as the administrator of programmes or courses but also participate in the same program as a learner.

3. Improved Marking Categorisation

The Marking homepage on Curricula has been improved and now contains three components: Tasks, Course grade marking, and Marking configuration. These should help provide more clarity on the categorisation of content for grading or viewing.Improved Marking Categorisation Tasks include Assessment Tasks where course admins, course managers, and markers can mark scores for assessment tasks, and Non-Assessment Tasks where learners’ submission statuses and completion statuses of associated tasks can be viewed.

4. Flexible Enrollment During the Course

Learners can be now enrolled to any course at any time before the end of the course. This helps organisations cater to ad-hoc course registrants or new employees that join the organisation right after the courses have begun.

5. Enhancements for Quizzes

Course administrators can now configure an automatic display of correct answers to learners after they have submitted their quiz answers provided they are close-ended questions, such as multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank. Administrators can also pre-set a number of attempts for quizzes that allow multiple, with the most recent attempt acting as the final selection. This is a feature highly suitable for courses that are aimed at honing learners’ understanding of topics rather than grades. Administrators can now configure an automatic display of correct answers to learners after assessing learners’ completed learn time, especially when learning content is in the form of videos and audio materials. The following file types are supported:
  • Video: .m4v.mov.mp4, and .threegp
  • Audio: .mp3 and .wav

Enhancements for Quizzes

6. Reflect Estimated Time of Learning Objects

Administrators can now configure the estimated learning duration for learning objects. The total time of all learning objects in a course will form the course time, which can now be clearly referenced by trainers and learners. This provides learners a good estimate of the course duration as they may need to clock professional learning hours for personal development. It also helps course administrators reference the time that learners have spent on any topics to validate completion status.

7. Flexible Score Publishing

Trainers and administrators can now publish the scores of specific learners as their assignments are marked without requiring all other learners’ assignments to be marked, thus providing more flexibility to course trainers in score publishing. For some courses, this task concurrency provides learners the flexibility to move on to the next level of topics, where the marking process is no longer a cause for delays.

8. Clear View of Learners’ Assessment Submission Status

Administrators can now view learners’ completion or submission status for non-assessment tasks, allowing them to track or nudge submissions across the cohort for essential topics. For more information or to try out the enhanced Curricula for Corporate Training, visit https://www.maivenpoint.com/products/curricula.