Curricula 2024 Update: AI Chatbot and Other Exciting New Features!

Curricula 2024 Update

We have just released our latest update to Curricula! This series of improvements includes new features and enhancements for trainers and learners alike, with a focus on making Curricula further connected, synchronised and collaborative. Our latest enhancements include a new AI Chatbot, new integration options for Microsoft Teams and Delphi, and fully customised certifications.

Let us dive in with what is new:

IntroducingCurricula AI Chatbot

Say hello to the new Curricula AI Chatbot! Powered by AI technology, users can now get instant online support to any functional area within Curricula’s online learning platform. Users and admins can ask the chatbot a variety of questions, including how to manage users, learning integration processes, understanding course creation processes, or enrolling learners, among many others. The Curricula AI Chatbot can be found at the bottom right of the screen from the moment users log in, ensuring 24/7 support is a single click away.

Setting AI-generated Smart Questions

Another new AI-powered feature, trainers can now set up AI-generated questions, which are auto-generated questions and answers that reference information from resources uploaded to Curricula. This saves trainers time by eliminating the need to ideate and input questions manually.

New integration with Microsoft Teams

Curricula now provides integration with Microsoft Teams for instant communication among learners and course-teams. Course-based teams can create Teams channels for course content. At the same time, learners and training staff can communicate directly, join live meetings, and view or complete learning tasks together using Curricula on Microsoft Teams.

AI Assistant integration in Microsoft Teams via Delphi

Users now receive notifications via Delphi, our Microsoft Teams app that provides users with online learning aids. Ask Delphi about online learning and administration tasks in Curricula, driving greater convenience in the overall learning experience. We have also simplified the integration setup to a maximum of three steps, enabling users to get value from Delphi quicker.

Support course sharing via email, bell notifications and Teams

Curricula now includes options for users to share courses via email, bell notifications and Microsoft Teams. These new options provide improved connectivity and swift alignment of tasks and notices between admins, trainers and learners. Users can now select the ellipses located to the right of the course name and select the Share option.

For those using Microsoft Teams, the sharing process now mirrors the Curricula web app, achieving greater uniformity in user experience across the board.

Customised course certificates

We now offer course admins the means to create customised certificates for learners upon course completion. Course admins can find this new feature by accessing the Course item in the main navigational menu and switching on the Certificate toggle under the Configure section.

Auto-assigned badges for learners

Badges can now be automatically assigned for learners upon unlocking required course achievements. Now shown in the Discover area of learner profiles, this improvement supports gamification, which facilitates enhanced rates of course completion.

Setting Learning Goals

Learners can now set learning goals using Curricula, encouraging further engagement and allowing learners to visualize and meet their personal targets. Learners can find and set their goals by visiting My profile > Learning goal.

Setting Learning Goals

Bulk export your survey reports

Course admins can now use the bulk export feature to improve time management and reduce repetitive processes. Bulk exports for survey reports are accessible directly from the Report section of Curricula’s main navigational menu.

Bulk export your survey reports

Improvements to assessment meetings

With this latest update, trainers can easily set up assessment meetings with their learners by going to the Learning Goals page. Trainers can set these meetings manually or allow learners to book assessment meetings themselves from any available trainer timeslots.

Better visibility of performance with the new My Team report

Gain better control and visibility of your team’s performance with the new My Team report. Course admins can find this report under the My Team area of the navigational menu. You can filter results by their course names, final grades achieved or whether the course was self-enrolled or directly assigned.

Curricula Team Report

Repeatable task reminders

Curricula now offers repeated task reminders for trainers to set up for learners in this latest update. Find it in the Result section of the Trainer main navigational menu on Curricula. This additional reminder functionality can be used to remind learners to complete tasks by any given deadline.

Curricula task reminder

Allowing additional course task attempts for selected learners

The ability to learn from mistakes is a vital area of education, as any trainer would attest to! Curricula now allows trainers to provide task attempts for selected learners, ensuring further success from a remote and async learning process.

Experience these powerful Curricula updates

Want to learn more about the latest Curricula release? Visit the product update page of Curricula for Corporate Learning today!